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Connecticut Bar Examining Committee Bar Examination Results, Getting Sworn in and Frequently Asked Questions for New Admittees Release Date: October 4, 2024 The following list contains the names of everyone who passed the latest Connecticut bar examination. However, not everyone on this list has been recommended for admission to the bar. Applicants passing the July 2024 Bar Examination - PDF Information about Getting Sworn In
Frequently Asked Questions by New Admittees 1. What law library services are available for new attorneys?Connecticut's public law libraries will be an invaluable resource for you as you begin your legal career. As public service law librarians, we are committed to utilizing our experience and expertise to assist you in achieving the highest professional standards. The Law Library Services Unit's website offers many resources such as Legal Research Guides (Pathfinders), the Law by Subject Pages, and the daily Newslog providing current awareness postings on recent legal developments, legal practice tools and law library resources. The Judicial Branch Law Library Services Unit offers free instruction on the online legal research services available at the Judicial Branch law libraries. Please contact your local law library to schedule a session. The Judicial Branch Law Library Services Unit also periodically offers free seminars on legal research topics. When offered, information about these programs can be found at the Law Library Services’ website. Webinars of Judicial Branch Law Library Services produced MCLE programs can be found on our MCLE Videos page. 2. After I have been admitted to the bar, when will I receive my juris number? You will receive notice containing your juris number approximately 15 days after the clerk of the court where your swearing-in took place notifies the Statewide Grievance Committee that you were sworn in. You need this number to file an appearance in court. Please note that your juris number will be mailed to you at your correspondence address on file. 3. Where should I direct inquiries regarding juris numbers? Inquiries regarding juris numbers must be made to the Statewide Grievance Committee at statewide.grievance@jud.ct.gov, not the Bar Examining Committee. 4. When can I begin to practice law? You are able to practice law immediately after you have been sworn in as an attorney in Connecticut. 5. What is the Attorney Registration requirement? After being sworn into the bar, attorneys are required to complete the attorney registration form. At or around the time that you receive your juris number, you will also receive your first attorney registration form. In addition to the requirement that you register after being sworn into the bar, Connecticut Practice Book § 2-27 (d) requires all members of the Connecticut bar to register with the Statewide Grievance Committee on an annual basis. The registration process takes place between January and the beginning of March. The annual attorney registration must be done online through Judicial Branch E-Services. 6. Can I file my first attorney registration form electronically? You may enroll in Judicial Branch E-Services and complete the registration online. Once you are enrolled in E-Services, you can use E-Services to register now and in the future. Please note that attorneys with foreign country addresses, including United States territories, do not have access to E-Services and must complete all annual registrations and changes of address by using the paper form. Please note that all members of the Connecticut bar must register with the Statewide Grievance Committee on an annual basis. The registration process takes place between January and the beginning of March and must be done online through Judicial Branch E-Services. 7. May I request to be exempt from registering online to complete my annual attorney registration form? You may request to be exempted from registering online by filing form JD-CL-92, Request For Exclusion From Electronic Services Requirement, You may request to be exempted from registering online by filing form JD-CL-92, Request For Exclusion From Electronic Services Requirement, with: E-Services Exclusion RequestsIf your request is granted, you will be provided a paper copy of your registration form to complete. Attorneys with foreign country addresses, including United States territories, are automatically exempt from E-Services and do not have to complete form JD-CL-92. 8. Do I have to notify the Statewide Grievance Committee of any changes on my registration form and if so, how do I do that? Attorneys are also required by Practice Book § 2-27 to notify the Statewide Grievance Committee of any changes to their registration information when those changes occur. Additionally, Practice Book § 2-26 requires that attorneys notify the Statewide Grievance Committee of any change of address. Form JD-GC 10 has been created for complying with §§ 2-26 and 2-27 (d). The Statewide Grievance Committee still accepts changes on the paper form (foreign country attorneys must use the form) but strongly encourages these changes to be made online through Judicial Branch E-Services. It should be noted that § 2-27 (f) provides that the failure to comply with the registration requirements constitutes misconduct. Inquiries regarding attorney registration must be made to the Statewide Grievance Committee, not the Bar Examining Committee. Questions about attorney registration or change of information process may be emailed to the Statewide Grievance Committee at attorney.registration@jud.ct.gov. 9. Am I required to notify the Statewide Bar Counsel if I am admitted in another jurisdiction? Practice Book § 2-24 requires an attorney to notify the Statewide Bar Counsel in writing within thirty days of admission in another jurisdiction. This information should be submitted using the Attorney Registration Change of Information form. 10. Am I required to notify the Statewide Bar Counsel of any disciplinary action imposed by the courts in another jurisdiction? Practice Book § 2-25 requires an attorney to notify the Statewide Bar Counsel in writing within thirty days of any disciplinary action imposed by the courts in another jurisdiction. The notice should be sent to both the Statewide Bar Counsel and the Chief Clerk in the Hartford Judicial District at the addresses listed below:
11. Where do I get a certificate of good standing? Certificates of good standing are available from either the Statewide Grievance Committee or the Hartford Superior Court. The addresses are below:
Note that for some purposes, a certificate is required from the highest court of the jurisdiction in which the attorney is admitted. Requests for such certificates must be made to the Clerk of the Superior Court, Hartford Judicial District. For some purposes, a certificate is required from the disciplinary authority in the jurisdiction in which the attorney is admitted. Requests for such certificates must be made to the Statewide Grievance Committee. Finally, for some purposes, separate certificates are required from the highest court and from the disciplinary authority. Separate requests must be submitted to both Clerk of the Superior Court, Hartford Judicial District and to the Statewide Grievance Committee. Requests to the Statewide Grievance Committee must be in writing and must include the attorney's name, address, daytime telephone number, juris number, and a copy of the attorney's last attorney registration form (see Practice Book § 2-27 (d) and (f), and § 2-65). If the attorney requesting a certificate from the Statewide Grievance Committee does not submit a copy of his/her last attorney registration form, he/she must state in the request that the form is not being submitted, together with an explanation why it is not included. 12. What is the cost of obtaining a certificate of good standing? The cost of a plain certificate of good standing from the Clerk of the Superior Court or the Statewide Grievance Committee is $10. Checks or money orders for certificates obtained from the Clerk of the Superior Court should be made payable to "Clerk, Superior Court." A certificate of good standing with disciplinary history statement from the Statewide Grievance Committee is $20. Checks or money orders for certificates obtained from the Statewide Grievance Committee should be made payable to "State of Connecticut Judicial Branch." 13. What is the Client Security Fund Fee? Connecticut Practice Book § 2-70, effective January 1, 1999, provides that an annual fee be assessed attorneys to fund a client security fund. The purpose of the client security fund is to reimburse clients who have been the victims of the "dishonest conduct" of an attorney, as defined in Practice Book § 2-69. Invoices for the annual Client Security Fund assessment are generally mailed in May. 14. Who must pay the Client Security Fund fee? The fee must be paid by each attorney admitted to practice in Connecticut, and each judge, judge trial referee, state referee, family support magistrate, family support referee and workers compensation commissioner. See Practice Book § 2-70 for more information Authorized house counsel are also required to pay the fee pursuant to Practice Book § 2-15A (d) (3), as are attorneys applying to appear or who are permitted to appear pro hac vice pursuant to Practice Book § 2-16. Only attorneys admitted to practice as of January 1st are obligated to pay the fee for that year. Attorneys admitted after January 1st do not have to pay the fee for that year. 15. Who is exempt from the fee? Only those attorneys who have retired, resigned, who have been disbarred or are on active duty with the US armed forces for more than six months during the calendar year are exempt from payment of the fee. Attorneys have "retired" only if they have complied with the provisions of Practice Book § 2-55 and Connecticut General Statutes § 51-81b (g). The applicable form is JD-CL-68. An attorney is not exempt from the fee because he or she practices out of state, or because he or she does not actively practice law. There is a partial exemption of one-half the fee for attorneys who do not engage in the practice of law as an occupation and receive less than $450.00 in legal fees or other compensation for services involving the practice of law during the calendar year. 16. What the consequences of not paying the fee? Attorneys who do not pay the Client Security Fund fee are presented to the Superior Court for an administrative suspension of their license to practice law in Connecticut. Client Security Fund invoices and notices regarding non-payment of the fee are mailed to the address on file from the attorney's registration form. The failure to timely comply with the registration requirement may result in attorneys not receiving their invoice or other important notices regarding payment of the fee and consequently being administratively suspended from the bar. 17. What is the occupational tax? Information on the attorney occupation tax and who must pay it. ![]() 18. What is the Minimum Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) requirement? All attorneys admitted in Connecticut who are not otherwise exempt are required to comply with Connecticut’s MCLE rule, Connecticut Practice Book § 2-27A, effective January 1, 2017. Attorneys must complete a minimum of twelve hours of MCLE per year, at least two hours of which must be in ethics/professionalism. Attorneys are exempt from the MCLE requirement for the year in which they are admitted. Information about the MCLE requirement may be found at http://www.jud.ct.gov/MCLE/. Frequently Asked Questions about the Bar Admission Ceremonies 1. What time
should I report to the Supreme Court Building? PLEASE NOTE: If you do not arrive in time to be checked in prior to the ceremony, then you may not be able to participate in the ceremony and, therefore, would not be admitted to practice law on that date. 2. What should
I wear?
3. Will I need
to pass through a metal detector to enter the
4. How many
guests may I bring?
5. How do I get to the Supreme Court Building?
6. May I
bring a camera or video recorder to take photos
and/or videos of the ceremony?
7. Is there a
reception after the ceremony?
8. Who do I
contact if I or my guests require an
accommodation for a disability?
9. What if I am not able to attend the admission
10. May I be sworn in prior to the ceremony?
11. When can I begin to practice law in Connecticut?
12. How can I obtain a certificate of good standing?
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