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Foreclosure Mediation Program (FMP)

The Chief Court Administrator set up the Foreclosure Mediation Program to help lenders and homeowners achieve a mutually agreeable resolution of a mortgage foreclosure action through the mediation process. The program applies to mortgage foreclosure actions that have a return date on or after July 1, 2008. The mortgage foreclosure must be filed against homeowners of one- to four-family, owner-occupied residential properties in the state of Connecticut. The property must be the primary residence of the homeowner. Participation in mediation is mandatory for all eligible foreclosure cases where the homeowner/borrower has filed an appearance.

The pie chart shows results of the Foreclosure Mediation Program since its inception on July 1, 2008. The bar graph shows statistics broken down by Judicial District for the same period of time.

The pie chart and graph reflect only those cases where foreclosure mediation has occurred. They do not reflect the total number of foreclosure cases, which are represented in the chart showing Civil cases by case type.
Glossary of Terms

Note on Table Creation: The information in the tables comes from databases that are always being updated. As a result, the tables only show the information that was in the databases on the day they were created. Information in the databases can change because cases that were disposed at the time the table was created were later reopened, or because of the late entry of data. Because of this, all of the tables are created on the 5th business day after the close of the fiscal year.

  • Added case: A case that is entered into one of the Judicial Branch’s automated systems.
  • Claimed case: A case in which a party or the party’s attorney (in a civil or family case) enters a claim that a case be placed onto a trial list.
  • Disposed case: A case in which a decision has been made.
  • Fiscal year: July 1st through June 30th.
  • Pending case: A case in which a decision has not been made.
