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Arrest Warrants for Violation of Probation or Failure to Appear, and Orders to Incarcerate

Arrest Warrants











Glossary of Terms
  • Active warrant – A warrant that authorizes a law enforcement officer to arrest a person.
  • Failure to Appear Warrant (FTA) – An order by a judge or other judicial authority that authorizes a law enforcement officer to arrest a person the state believes has not come to court for a scheduled hearing for a criminal matter, a motor vehicle matter, or an infraction.
  • Felony – Any crime for which a person may be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of more than one year.
  • Order to Incarcerate (OTI) – An order by a judge or other judicial authority that authorizes a law enforcement officer to deliver a person to a state correctional facility because the person has not paid a fine or served a prison sentence, or both.
  • Paperless Arrest Warrant Network (PRAWN) – The Judicial Branch’s computer system for warrants maintained by the Judicial Branch. PRAWN does not include information from warrants requested by municipal and state law enforcement agencies.
  • Violation of Probation Warrant (VOP) – An order by a judge or other judicial authority that authorizes a law enforcement officer to arrest a person the state believes has not followed his or her conditions or requirements of probation.
  • Warrant - An order by a judge or other judicial authority that authorizes a law enforcement officer to arrest a person for an offense specified in the warrant.
  • Warrants Issued – Warrants issued by a judge or other judicial authority.
  • Warrants Served – A person has been arrested on the warrant.











