The Connecticut General Assembly Office of Legislative Research has recently published several new reports to their website including:
Municipal Immunity - 2024-R-0135 - Summarizes the statutes addressing civil liability immunity for municipalities and their employees and officers.
Protections Regarding Rent Increases - 2024-R-0143 - Addresses the protections that state law provides regarding rent increases for tenants, for seniors and for tenants with disabilities. This report updates OLR Report 2023-R-0247.
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren - 2024-R-0121 - Describes programs and resources Connecticut provides to grandparents raising grandchildren as well as additional measures other states have considered.
Connecticut's Animal Cruelty Laws and Other Animal Protection Laws - 2024-R-0141 - Summarizes Connecticut’s animal cruelty laws and other animal protection laws. This report updates and expands upon OLR Report 2019-R-0196.
Penalties for Car Theft and Hit-and-Run Crimes - 2024-R-0142 - Compares the penalties for car theft and hit-and-run (also known as evading responsibility or leaving the scene of an accident) in Connecticut and a selection of other states. This report focuses on penalties for adults and does not address penalties for juveniles.
Auto-Theft Diversionary Program and Recidivism - 2024-R-0137 - Provides (1) information on the juvenile auto-theft diversionary program and (2) any available data that shows the program’s impact on recidivism.