The mission of the Connecticut Judicial Branch is to serve the interests of justice and the public by resolving matters brought before it in a fair, timely, efficient and open manner.

New OLR Reports

by Zigadto, Janet


The Connecticut General Assembly's Office of Legislative Research (OLR) has recently published the following new reports:

Federal and State Anti-Discrimination Protections for High School and College Students Based on Sex and Gender - 2022-R-0103 - Provides a legislative history for Connecticut’s passage of anti-discrimination protections based on sex and gender for Connecticut high school and college students.

State Legislative Terms of Office - 2022-R-0056 - This report outlines state legislative terms of office and term limits. It updates OLR Report 2005-R-0945.

Traffic Noise on State Roads - 2022-R-0098 - Provides information on laws related to noise levels on state roads and possibilities for noise abatement. Describes any specific protections offered to historic districts.

Backgrounder: Connecticut's State and Municipal Taxes on Recreational Cannabis - 2022-R-0107 - Briefly explains the state and municipal taxes on recreational cannabis. This report updates OLR Report 2021-R-0165.

Tax Increment Districts Under CGS § 7-339cc et seq. - 2022-R-0003 - Summarizes Connecticut’s tax increment district law, as established by PA 15-57 and codified at CGS §§ 7-339cc through 7-339kk.

Absentee Ballot Processing - 2022-R-0022 - Describes the (1) process for submitting, receiving, and counting absentee ballots and (2) temporary measures implemented due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Child Tax Rebate - 2022-R-0110 - Provides an overview of the child tax rebate enacted in this year’s budget act (PA 22-118, § 411).

Body Armor and Connecticut Law - 2022-R-0105 - Summarizes Connecticut’s laws on body armor. This report updates OLR Report 2019-R-0250.