The mission of the Connecticut Judicial Branch is to serve the interests of justice and the public by resolving matters brought before it in a fair, timely, efficient and open manner.

Special Sessions and Diversionary Programs

by Booth, George


The Judicial Branch publishes a number of pamphlets describing the court's Special Sessions and Diversionary Programs:

Hartford Community Court Session
Domestic Violence Dockets
Drug Intervention Programs
Accelerated Rehabilitation
Supervised Diversionary Program
Alcohol Education Program
Drug Education and Community Service Program
Family Violence Education Program
Community Service Labor Program
School Violence Prevention Program
Suspended Prosecution for Illegal Sale, Delivery, or Transfer of Pistols or Revolvers
Treatment of Defendants who are Dependent on Drugs or Alcohol Instead of Prosecuting Them
Treatment of Convicted Defendants who are Dependent on Drugs or Alcohol Instead of Sending Them to Jail

See also the Law Libraries' Connecticut Law About Criminal Penalties webpage, and the Table on Fines and Penalties linked to therein.