The mission of the Connecticut Judicial Branch is to serve the interests of justice and the public by resolving matters brought before it in a fair, timely, efficient and open manner.
Pending Legislation

Connecticut General Assembly 2021 Regular Session

   by Booth, George

The Connecticut General Assembly 2021 Regular Session began January 6th and adjourns June 9th. To read about the issues that may be addressed in the current session, see the Office of Legislative Research Special Report, Major Issues 2021 Legislative Session. Do note the following language from the report's introductory material:

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the regular 2020 legislative session was effectively suspended on March 12 until it was adjourned sine die on May 6. The pandemic is anticipated to continue well into2021 and will likely necessitate a number of significant logistical changes to the legislative process (e.g.,virtual committee meetings).At this time,it is unclear what impact, if any, these changes will have on the substance and volume of legislation. In light of the circumstances, we especially caution readers not to interpret this document as a potential session agenda. Rather, the topics we have identified, apart from those directly related to the pandemic, are those that we believe would be applicable under normal circumstances.