Information from
Connecticut State Department of Housing
from the Connecticut Judicial Branch:
Commission on Human Rights
and Opportunities
Information from the
Connecticut Network for Legal Aid:
Publication from the Citizens
Advisory Council for Housing Matters:
Connecticut Department of
Consumer Protection:
Connecticut Department of
Rights and Responsibilities of Landlords
and Tenants in Foreclosed Properties
"Persons who rent an apartment in a
property that is going through
foreclosure have legal protections that
safeguard them from unfair treatment and
upheaval. Since some of these
protections have been enhanced by recent
legislation, it is a good time to remind
property owners, property managing and
servicing companies and real estate
brokers of their legal obligations"
Publications from the
Office of the Chief State's Attorney:
from the Connecticut Fair Housing Center:
OLR Research Reports - Office of Legislative
Eviction Process
Fair Housing and Related Issues
and Rent Collection
Utility Services
Tenants' Property
Uniform Relocation Assistance Act
Connecticut Landlord and Tenant Law with
Forms 3d, by Noble F. Allen (2021).
The Connecticut Summary Process Manual,
by Paul J. Marzinotto (2002).
The above treatises are
available at each of your
local law libraries.
Connecticut General Statutes
Selected Statutes:
Title 47a. Landlord &
Chapter 830 Rights
and Responsibilities of Landlord and Tenant
Sec. 47a-4. Terms prohibited in a
rental agreement.
Sec. 47a-4c. Landlord prohibited from requiring electronic funds transfer as exclusive form of payment.
Sec. 47a-7. Landlord's
Sec. 47a-7a. Landlord and tenant
responsibilities re bed bug
Sec. 47a-11. Tenant
Sec. 47a-15. Noncompliance by
tenant. Remedy of breach by tenant.
Landlord's remedies.
Sec. 47a-16. When landlord may enter
rented unit.
Sec. 47a-18. Judicial relief if
tenant refuses entry.
Sec. 47a-18a. Judicial relief if
landlord unlawfully enters.
Sec. 47a-19. Rental agreement:
Acceptance of rent when overdue.
Chapter 831 Security Deposits
Chapter 832 Summary
Process (Eviction)
Sec. 47a-23. Notice to quit possession
or occupancy of premises. Form. Delivery.
Federal termination notice.
Sec. 47a-23a. Complaint.
Sec. 47a-23b. Service of notice to quit
or summons if lessee a nonresident or if
whereabouts unknown.
Sec. 47a-23c. Prohibition on eviction
of certain tenants except for good cause.
Sec. 47a-26. Failure to Appear. Judgment.
Sec. 47a-26a. Failure to Plead. Judgment.
Sec. 47a-26j. Records of Summary Process Actions (2024 Supplement)
Chapter 833 Entry
and Detainer
Chapter 833a Public
Enforcement of Health and Safety Standards in
Tenement and Boarding Houses, and in Rented
Title 19a - Public Health and Well-Being
Title 8. Zoning, Planning, Housing and Economic
and Community Development
Chapter 135 Uniform Relocation Assistance
"The purpose of this chapter is to establish
a uniform policy for the fair and equitable
treatment of persons displaced by the acquisition
of real property by state and local land
acquisition programs, by building code enforcement
activities, or by a program of voluntary
rehabilitation of buildings or other improvements
conducted pursuant to governmental supervision."
Title 53a -
Chapter 952 - Penal Code: Offenses
Practice Book
Selected rules:
Title 42, Chapter 135: Residency and Service
Requirements in Federally Assisted Housing
Subchapter I -
Standards and Obligations of Residency in
Federally Assisted Housing
Subchapter II -
Authority to Provide Preferences for Elderly
Residents and Units for Disabled Residents
in Certain Section 8 Assisted Housing
Subchapter III -
Service Coordinators for Elderly and Disabled
Residents of Federally Assisted Housing
Subchapter IV -
General Provisions
Subchapter V -
Safety and Security in Public and Assisted
Title 42, Chapter 8: Low-Income Housing
Federal Regulations (CFR)
Title 24, Chapter II, Part 247: Evictions
from Certain Subsidized and HUD-Owned Projects
Title 24, Chapter IX, Part 982: Section 8 Tenant-Based Assistance: Housing Choice Voucher Program
Occupancy Requirements of Subsidized Multifamily
Housing Programs (4350.3)
Recent Landlord/Tenant Opinions