Court Fees -- Revised effective September 21, 2023

No. Item Fee Authority
1. Appeal to Supreme Court or Appellate Court - entry fee $250 52-259
2. Writ of error to Supreme Court $250 52-259
3. Petition for certification to Supreme Court or Appellate Court $75 52-259
4. Motion to open or reargue judgment in civil appeal Supreme/Appellate Court or to reconsider any other civil matter $130 52-259c
5. Civil cause (including paternity actions) except as shown below $360 52-259
6. Civil cause if amount in demand is less than $2,500 $230 52-259
7. Counterclaim, cross complaint, apportionment complaint or third party complaint $205 52-259(j)
8. Summary process, landlord & tenant $175 52-259
9. Assignment of lottery winnings $75 12-831
10. Mechanics lien - application for discharge $20 49-35a(b)(1)
11. Real estate brokers lien - application for discharge $20 20-325e
12. If complaint amended to show demand is not less than $2,500 $75 52-259
13. Small claims
Small claims counterclaim
14. Motion to transfer small claims case to regular docket - from moving party $125 52-259
15. Jury fee $440 52-258
16. Motion to open, set aside, or modify any civil judgment (including motions to open or set aside any family judgment), except juvenile matters, summary process and landlord tenant matters. $130
17. Post-judgment motion to modify any judgment in a family relations matter, as defined in section 46b-1 of the Conn. General Statutes $180 52-259c(a)
18. Motion to open, set aside, modify housing matters, summary process and landlord tenant matters. $75 52-259c
19. Motion to Open, Set Aside, Modify Small Claims Matter $75 52-259c
20. Motion to open any judgment under C.G.S. Sec. 14-140 $60 14-140, 13b-70x,
21. Application for wage execution
Application for property execution 
Application for financial institution execution
52-367a and 52-367b**
22. Application by tenant to enforce housing rights $25 47a-14h
23. Pretrial family violence education application fee
Pretrial family violence education program fee
Pretrial alcohol education program application fee
Pretrial alcohol education program evaluation fee
Pretrial alcohol education program fee - (10 session intervention program)
Pretrial alcohol education program fee - (15 session intervention program)
Pretrial alcohol education program reinstatement - (10 session intervention program)
Pretrial alcohol education program reinstatement - (15 session intervention program)
25. Adult probation supervision fee $200 53a-29(c)
Pretrial accelerated rehabilitation application fee
Pretrial accelerated rehabilitation participation fee
27. Pretrial drug education and community service program application fee
Pretrial drug education and community service program evaluation fee
Pretrial drug education and community service program - (15 session intervention program)
Pretrial drug education and community service program - (substance abuse treatment)
Pretrial drug education program reinstatement - (15 session intervention program)
28. Drug testing fee $50 21a-283(d)
29. Copies (per page) $1 52-259
30. Certification of a copy under seal $2 52-259
31. Exemplified copies $20 52-259
32. Prejudgment remedy application fee $180 52-259
33. Certificate of good standing $10 52-259
34. Copy of certificate of judgment in foreclosure action $25 52-259
35. Hate Crimes Diversion Program Participation Fee $425 54-56e(e)
36. Certified copy of judgment file $25 52-259
37. Complex Litigation Docket Application Fee $335
38. DMHAS Suspension of Prosecution $25 17a-696(e)
39. Brain Injury Prevention and Services account fee $5 14-295a
40. Community Service Labor Program fee $205 53a-39c(b)
41. Request for the issuance of a foreign subpoena $100 52-259(l)
42. Enforcement of Municipal Regulations $8 7-152b(f)
43. Municipal Regulations Petition to Open $95 7-152b(g)
44. Motion for Permission to Appear Pro Hac Vice $620 52-259(i)
45. Application for dissolution of lien upon the substitution of a bond with surety pursuant to 49-37(a) - Mechanic's Lien on Real Property; 49-55a(b) - Vessel Lien; 49-61(a) - Bailee for Hire's Lien on Personal Property; 49-92b(a) - Purchaser's Lien on Real Property; or 49-92h(b) - Aircraft Lien $350 52-259(k)
