Experiential Learning Programs
Paralegal Student Interns   Intern Application / Portal  |  Orientation Dates  |  Home

Placement Opportunities - Placement opportunities vary by location and current educational level.

Possible placements include:Experiential Learning Programs
  • Clerk’s Offices
  • Housing Session Office
  • Intake / Assessment / Referral Unit

All potential interns are required to submit an application packet and meet with the Experiential Learning Program staff.

Eligibility - Paralegal students seeking an internship must:

  • Be enrolled in an accredited institute of higher learning
  • Be a student in good standing
  • Be able to work at least two, five hour days per week for at least one semester
  • Disclose any pending matter before the Court to the Intern Coordinator
  • Have the ability to work with diverse populations
  • Maintain high level of confidentiality
  • Possess excellent written and oral communication skills
  • Must be willing to travel
  • Attend Intern Orientation

Application Process - In addition to the forms referenced below, your application package should also include a cover letter and resume. Incomplete application packets will not be reviewed and may be returned to the applicant. To help you establish an internship, please click here and print out our helpful Intern Placement Process and Application Checklist, which is discussed below.

Step 1 – Intern Submits Application Packet
The applicant completes the Intern Application Form and returns it (via mail, fax or email attachment) to the law school intern Coordinator. Applications may also be obtained from the Experiential Learning Office by calling (860) 282-6581.

Upon receipt, the Coordinator reviews the completed application packet for completeness and eligibility. All interns must also submit an Intern Verification Form completed by the law school even if the intern is not seeking credits. This form is available by clicking here or by calling the Experiential Learning Office at (860) 282-6581.

Step 2 – Intern Interviews
The Coordinator schedules a time to meet with the eligible intern candidate to discuss areas of interest and an appropriate placement.

Successful intern candidates are then scheduled for an interview with the potential placement site supervisor (workplace host).

Step 3 – Intern Placement Established
Intern placement is established after acceptance by the workplace host and the Coordinator, and passing a mandatory background check.

Step 4 – Attendance at the Intern Orientation
All students accepted into the Experiential Learning Program are required to attend the Intern Orientation. The Intern Coordinator will provide the student with orientation dates and travel instructions. No student will be allowed to participate in the program without attending the Intern Orientation.

Intern Application / Portal    |  Intern Verification Form  |  Intern Placement Process & Application Checklist
