The mission of the Connecticut Judicial Branch is to serve the interests of justice and the public by resolving matters brought before it in a fair, timely, efficient and open manner.

New OLR Research Reports

by Zigadto, Janet


The Office of Legislative Research has issued the following research reports for the first half of December:

Warrant Amnesty Programs - 2016-R-0315 - "Describe warrant amnesty programs in other states."

Truth-In-Lending Law Disclosures and Connecticut Car Dealerships - 2016-R-0322 - "Explain the disclosure requirements applicable to Connecticut car dealerships under federal and state Truth-In-Lending laws."

Student Data Service Contracts for Public Schools - 2016-R-0319 - "Summarize Public Act 16-189, focusing on provisions the act requires in contracts between student data service contractors and local and regional boards of education. Address whether the act requires choice of law and forum selection clauses to appear in these contracts."

Complaints Filed With Freedom of Information Commission - 2016-R-0321 - "Provide the following data concerning complaints filed with the Freedom of Information Commission (FOIC) from 2013-2015: (1) number of complaints filed, (2) number of complaints resolved before a hearing, (3) disposition of complaints that proceeded to a hearing, and (4) number of complaints found to be frivolous. For each of these items, include data specific to municipal respondents."

Medicare Part D Clawback Payments - 2016-R-0317 - "This report discusses Medicaid payments that states must make to the federal government related to Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage."

States Requiring Seat Belts on School Buses - 2016-R-0318 - "You asked for information about federal and state school bus seat belt laws. This report updates the information provided in OLR Report 2010-R-0055."

Comparing Massachusetts' and Connecticut's Pay Equity Laws - 2016-R-0326 - "This report compares the main provisions of Massachusetts’ 2016 Act to Establish Pay Equity with Connecticut’s labor laws prohibiting gender wage discrimination."