The mission of the Connecticut Judicial Branch is to serve the interests of justice and the public by resolving matters brought before it in a fair, timely, efficient and open manner.
Court Rules

2023 Practice Book Technical Error Corrected

   by Booth, George

The Judicial Branch has issued the following notice:

When printed, the 2023 edition of the Connecticut Practice Book contained a technical error in an internal reference in the text of Section 5-12 (h) of the Superior Court Rules. Subsequently, a technical change was made to correct this error. The current electronic versions of the 2023 Practice Book and 2023 Mobile-Friendly Practice Book reflect this correction.

Connecticut Code of Evidence - 2023 Edition

   by Roy, Christopher

The 2023 edition of the Connecticut Code of Evidence is now available on the Connecticut Practice Book and Code of Evidence web page. The Forward to this publication contains a brief history of the Connecticut Code of Evidence, and the last paragraph in the Forward lists the most recent amendments and new sections incorporated into the code.

Connecticut Law Journal - July 26, 2022

   by Roy, Christopher

The Connecticut Law Journal, Volume LXXXIV, No. 4, for July 26, 2022 is now available.

Contained in the issue is the following:

  • Table of Contents
  • Replacement Pages 343 Conn. 569-570, 601-602
  • Volume 344: Connecticut Reports (Pages 113 - 150)
  • Volume 344: Cumulative Table of Cases Connecticut Reports
  • Volume 213: Connecticut Appellate Reports (Pages 858 - 892)
  • Volume 214: Connecticut Appellate Reports (Pages 1 - 132)
  • Volume 214: Cumulative Table of Cases Connecticut Appellate Reports
  • Miscellaneous Notices
  • Connecticut Practice Book Amendments
  • Notices of Connecticut State Agencies
  • Cumulative Table of Cases Connecticut Appellate Reports

Connecticut Law Journal - July 12, 2022

   by Roy, Christopher

The Connecticut Law Journal, Volume LXXXIV, No. 2, for July 12, 2022 is now available.

Contained in the issue is the following:

  • Table of Contents
  • Volume 344: Connecticut Reports (Pages 33 - 46)
  • Volume 344: Orders (Pages 902 - 903)
  • Volume 344: Cumulative Table of Cases Connecticut Reports
  • Volume 213: Connecticut Appellate Reports (Pages 662 - 696)
  • Volume 213: Cumulative Table of Cases Connecticut Appellate Reports
  • Miscellaneous Notices
  • Supreme Court Pending Cases
  • Connecticut Practice Book Amendments

Amendments to the Rules of Appellate Procedure

   by Roy, Christopher

The amendments to the Rules of Appellate Procedure were adopted to take effect January 1, 2022, except the amendments to Sections 63-4, 63-8, 66-6, 77-1 and Chapters 67 and 68, which were adopted to take effect October 1, 2021. The new briefing requirements (effective October 1, 2021) are contained in chapter 67. All amendments to the court rules can be found on the Court Rules web page.

Connectictut Practice Book - Appendix of Rules Changes Due to Public Health and Civil Preparedness Emergencies

   by Booth, George

The 2021 Connecticut Practice Book contains an Appendix of Section 1-9B Changes: Practice Book Rules Adopted, Amended or Suspended Under Section 1-9B in Light of the Declared Public Health and Civil Preparedness Emergencies:

On March 10, 2020, Governor Lamont declared a public health emergency and a civil preparedness emergency. Those states of emergency were renewed by Governor Lamont on September1, 2020. On March 24, 2020, and May 11, 2020, the Rules Committee of the Superior Court met pursuant to its emergency authority in Section 1-9B and adopted, amended, or suspended various rules that the committee deemed necessary in light of those declared emergencies. On June 26,2020, the judges of the Superior Court considered the actions taken by the Rules Committee and adopted the changes set forth herein. A copy of these changes was promulgated in the Connecticut Law Journal on July 14, 2020.
NOTE CONCERNING STATUS OF APPENDIX: This appendix reflects the status of rules that were adopted, amended, or suspended as of July 14, 2020, the date of publication in the Connecticut Law Journal. Subsequent to that publication, some of these provisions have changed due to the fluid nature of the public health emergency and the civil preparedness emergency. The reader is cautioned to refer to, and for the current status of the provisions contained in this appendix

See also the Covid-19 Updates, Frequently Asked Questions – COVID-19 and Court Business, and Connecticut Practice Book web pages.

Revisions to the Rules of Appellate Procedure

   by Booth, George

The Judicial Branch has posted recently adopted revisions to the Rules of Appellate Procedure, to take effect on January 1, 2021 (and other dates).

The amendments were approved by the Appellate Court on July 7, 2020 and by the Supreme Court on July 23, 2020. The amendments make changes to a number of rules.

The Connecticut Judicial Branch court rules web page contains links to all proposed and adopted amendments to the current Connecticut Practice Book.

Connecticut Guide to Remote Hearings For Attorneys and Self-Represented Parties

   by Roy, Christopher

On July 17, 2020, the Judicial Branch released a Connecticut Guide to Remote Hearings For Attorneys and Self-Represented Parties

Amendments to the Connecticut Practice Book

   by Roy, Christopher

On June 26, 2020, the judges of the Superior Court adopted amendments to the Practice Book. Most of these amendments become effective on January 1, 2021 except for the amendments to Sections 3-8 and 35a-21.

To find the current Connecticut Practice Book, including current and proposed revisions, see the court rules web page.

Proposed Practice Book Revisions to the Rules of Appellate Procedure

   by Roy, Christopher

On June 29, 2020, at 10 a.m., there will be a public hearing on Practice Book revisions to the Rules of Appellate Procedure that are being considered by the Justices of the Supreme Court and Judges of the Appellate Court. Below is the Connecticut Law Journal notice with the proposed revisions and commentaries:

The Connecticut Judicial Branch court rules web page contains links to all proposed and adopted amendments to the current Connecticut Practice Book.

Connecticut Practice Book and Probate Court Rules of Procedure - 2020 Editions

   by Roy, Christopher

The 2020 Connecticut Practice Book is now available on the court rules web page. Besides the Connecticut Practice Book, the court rules web page also links to the Code of Evidence, E-Services Procedures and Technical Standards (revised to Jan. 2, 2020), and Rules of Professional Conduct.

Additionally, the Probate Courts have a separate Probate Court rules web page. The 2020 Probate Court Rules of Procedure volume is now available as well.