Procedure to Obtain Judicial Branch
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Attorney Photo ID Card Application Form PDF
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The Judicial
Branch of the State of Connecticut has implemented a process to enable
attorneys in good standing, excluding attorneys who have chosen to retire pursuant to Practice Book Sec. 2-55 or Practice Book Sec. 2-55A, to acquire one Judicial Branch-issued Attorney
Photo ID Card. Practice Book Sec.
2-65 defines an attorney in good standing as one who has been admitted
to the bar of this state, has registered with the statewide grievance
committee in compliance with Sec.
2-27 (d), has complied with Section 2-70, and is not under suspension, on inactive status, disbarred, or
resigned from the bar. Upon submission of the application packet, your
personal juris number and your status as an attorney in good standing will
be verified. There is no charge for this card.
To expedite the processing of your card, submit all items
together in the correct format. If you are submitting your application
packet by email, the application form and the photocopy of your current
driver's license must be in
PDF and your photograph must be attached as a JPG (compressed image
format) file. Clearly identify the attorney by name and personal juris
number in the subject line of all email communications.
Instructions for obtaining an Attorney Photo ID card:
Complete and sign this application. Please be sure that you
include your
juris number and your complete mailing address on the form to assure the
timely issuance of your card. This form must be included as part of your
application packet.
Provide a clear photocopy of your current driver's license
or passport, which will be used for identification purposes only. If your
address has changed, photocopy both sides of your license. This photocopy
must be included as part of your application packet.
Provide a current, color photograph (similar to a photograph
that would be submitted for a passport) that includes the full head and
shoulders of the attorney against a solid light background. Photographs
should be approximately 1.5 by 2 inches if printed or 200 dpi if scanned as
a JPG file. A digital copy of a passport photo is preferred. Please note
that Polaroids and ink jet prints are not acceptable. This photograph must
be included as part of your application packet.
Mail or
e-mail the completed application packet to:
Connecticut Judicial Branch Superior Court Operations
Attn: Attorney Photo ID Program
90 Washington Street
Hartford, CT 06106
To expedite the processing of your
card, submit all items together in the correct format. If you are submitting
your application packet by e-mail, the application form and the photocopy of
your current driver's license must be in
PDF, and your photograph must be attached as a JPG (compressed image
format) file. Clearly identify the attorney by name and personal juris
number in all communications.
You will receive your Attorney Photo ID Card in one to three
weeks. To expedite processing, please verify through
E-Services that the personal juris number of the attorney is correct,
that the annual attorney registration is current, and that all required
items are enclosed.
Please identify the attorney by name and
personal juris number in the subject line of all e-mailed communications.
E-mail with any questions.