Commission to Study Attorney
Grievance Process to Hold Public Hearing in Hartford
– The Commission to Study the Attorney Grievance Process will conduct a
public hearing on Monday, February 7, 2000
at 7 p.m. in the Legislative Office Building, Room 1C, to receive comments regarding the
attorney disciplinary system in Connecticut. The Commission, appointed by Chief Justice
Francis M. McDonald, Jr. and chaired by Connecticut Supreme Court Justice Robert I.
Berdon, was formed to enhance the attorney disciplinary process.
"We cannot overemphasize the importance of such a
process," Justice Berdon said. "The Judicial Branch is committed to ensuring
that any system that is developed receives input from members of the public. I encourage
individuals who have gone through the Attorney Grievance Process to attend the public
hearing to provide the Commission with suggestions on how to improve the process. It is
through such input and constant re-examination of the process that the Judiciary can
ensure the integrity of the system."
Currently, the judges of the Connecticut Superior Court
delegate much of the attorney disciplinary review process to the Statewide Grievance
Committee and to the Judicial Grievance panels. These groups are comprised of dedicated
volunteers, attorneys and non-attorneys, and are assisted by the Judicial Branch staff.
The last time a similar review was conducted was almost 10
years ago, in March 1990, when then Chief Justice Ellen A. Peters appointed the Judicial
Council on Legal Ethics.
Joining Justice Berdon on the Commission are judges,
attorneys and members of the public, including: the Honorable Richard E. Arnold; the
Honorable Juliett L. Crawford; the Honorable Joseph P. Flynn; the Honorable William J.
Lavery; the Honorable Sheridan L. Moore; the Honorable Lynda B. Munro; the Honorable
Christine S. Vertefeuille; Representatives Robert Farr, Michael P. Lawlor; Senator Thomas
F. Upson; Attorneys Paul V. Carty, Milagros Cruz, Raymond J. Devlin, Jr., Thomas Flaherty,
Roger J. Frechette, William F. Gallagher, Richard Newman, A. Searle Pinney; Carmen
Donnarumma and Frank Morgan.
The Legislative Office Building is located at 300 Capitol
Avenue in Hartford. The Commission anticipates holding additional public hearings in
Bridgeport, New Haven, New London and Waterbury.